Testimonials from Kiddie Academy of Brier Creek

“High quality staff, enrochment programs such as jump bunch.”
JoAnna C.

“Great teachers and activities for the kids!”
Kimberly P.

“I like the open communication of the staff, as well as the dedicated and nurturing teachers.”
Sarai F.

“Teachers are very caring and loving toward my son. I feel like they genuinely care about his needs and development.”
Ashley F.

“I liked the care and concern the teachers have for the students. My only concern is the classroom size. It seems like they've been getting larger and I see the teachers struggling to maintain control at times.”
Robin C.

“I love the staff. Both of my daughter's teachers are warm and caring people. I get good vibes from them both. Julia has learned so much since starting KA. She's speaking much more and shows me new things she has learned every day. She is my only child and I had reservations about leaving her with "strangers", but I have nothing to worry about at KA, love, love the school :)”
Natalie P.

“Staff is always friendly and open to the needs of my child and family. There is a low teacher to child ratio that allows more attention to my child. Staff is constantly doing fun activities with my child and send home pictures and artwork my child has created. I have never seen any baby left to cry, staff is always actively taking care of the children, whether through play, naps, feeding, or plain comforting. Communication between staff and parents is excellent. I always feel like I am on the same page with my child's caregivers.”
Erin G.

“The staff is extremely friendly and fun! I am happy to bring my son knowing he is in great hands and has a good time learning and developing each day!”
Susan M.

“Everyone has been extremely nice to our children. We love that they are learning so much. We like the weekly themes.”
Tamara K.

“Generally, the quality of your teachers have been very strong. Additionally, the tenure of the teachers is very good. In recent months though it does seem that the turn-over has been high and the quality of teachers is not as strong. I really hope this is not the case as strong teachers and their long-term continuity is critical for me to recommend this center. I generally feel that many of the teachers truly care for my children. This is shown through the daily hugs and embraces past and present teachers give my children and evident in return to how my children light up around several of the teachers. The art work and projects that I receive on a frequent basis are evidence that my children are engaged in different activities and being educated...not just being 'baby sat'. This is critical. Additionally, the new songs (Grand Old Flag!), words, games, letters, numbers etc that my child illustrates on a regular basis helps emphasizes to me that educational services are being provide to my children.”
Alison W.
Learning for Every Age
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Kiddie Academy of Brier Creek