Testimonials from Kiddie Academy of Middletown

“I like that all staff know my child by name, they are friendly, the facility is clean and the communication is on-going.”
Melissa E.

“Great staff”
Denise Von S.

“I like that every child is challenged at their own pace. The lesson plans are based off learning through play which makes the children want to learn instead of feeling like their being forced to.”
Gabby A.

“Family Friendly environment, great communication and great teamwork in addressing my childs needs.”
Michael K.

“Parking is horrible and teachers/ staff should park furthest away from the building. It makes pick up and drop off complicated.”
Kristin B.

“Available activities,including soccer shots, jump bunch.”
Rhonda G.

“I love how everyone at kiddie academy treats my kids (and us) like family. The community is great and my kids have learned so much and only at ages 2 and a half and 1 and a half. I couldn't be happier!!”
Lexie O.

“The teachers staff know my son well and care about him. I feel like he is being treated at school the same way we treat him at home (with love). I know when I drop him off he will be safe and loved while he is day care.”
Jenn S.

“Family feel, level of care and dedication are exceptional.”
Cristin K.

“Kiddie Academy uses sound educational practices. They show a high level of interest in my children. The teachers are wonderful, kind, and have a genuine affection for my boys.”
Laura W.
Learning for Every Age
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Kiddie Academy of Middletown
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Kiddie Academy of Middletown