May 15, 2014

“I’m bored!”

Raise your hand if you’re a working parent who sends their kids to daycare? If you’re a part of this ever-growing group of families then you also know how weekend hours can be filled with ample family time that often results in two things:

  1. Parents who want to catch up on rest and clear their heads, yet feel extra guilty for not wanting to be on their feet all weekend long entertaining their kids;
  2. Children who are easily bored being away from the fun and learning of an educational child care center and therefore expect their parents to entertain them every waking hour of the weekend. Yikes! We’re exhausted just thinking about it!

But what if you never had to deal with toddler boredom again? Well…at least for the summer? Keep your little ones busy this season with easy activities that are sure to be fun for the whole family (and just might give you that five minutes of alone time you’re craving):

And the best cure of all? If your child comes to you and still says “I’m bored,” keep a jar of chores on hand for them to draw out of. Next thing you know, boredom is magically cured! Well played, Mom and Dad.

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