November 18, 2020

Thanksgiving in the Year of COVID-19

Even in a year that’s been full of challenges, there is plenty to be thankful for. As we approach Thanksgiving Day, we asked Sandra Graham, the Director of Training at Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care, to share her thoughts on how to find and celebrate the good things in our lives. Here’s what she had to say:

Like so many other events throughout 2020, this holiday season may be filled with tough choices and changes for families.

The good news is that the holidays are also a time when gratitude is at the forefront. Gratitude has been shown to help kids and adults practice resilience through tough times by focusing on the positive emotions that come with spending quality time with family and friends.

Simply put, if we focus on the good things we have in our life, we will discover so much to be grateful for this year. Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect and think of ways to relieve the stress in today’s world and infuse gratitude by following your family traditions. If we practice gratitude throughout the holiday, Thanksgiving will be a meaningful and joyful time for you and your families.

Most people would agree that a holiday centered around food and family is a great way to spend the day. There is also the bonding that happens when we cook together. The act of preparing food with our family is great for our wellbeing and it teaches children to be thankful and appreciative. It also provides time to reconnect with our families and to focus on what is important in our lives. We see Thanksgiving as kick-starting the holiday season and it’s the first in a series of positive events to come.

We know there is always something to be grateful for, but children often forget all the things they already have that make them happy. Luckily, this period of staying at home provides plenty of time to help develop your child’s attitude of gratitude.

Examples of what you and your family can do to keep the Thanksgiving traditions going this year:

Yes, this pandemic holiday season may have its challenges but with some resilience and a grateful attitude, your family can still put the “thanks” in Thanksgiving. You maybe even create a new gratitude habit that will help your child grow up seeing the sunny side of life.

Thanks for the great ideas, Sandra!


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