February 22, 2022

Kiddie Academy Teams Up to Spread Kindness

Kiddie Academy locations nationwide teamed up to perform more than 4,500 good deeds to help celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day! To date, our students, families and staff have performed 4,871 acts of kindness!

Each year, the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation heads up the celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Week with the goal of making kindness the norm for the way we treat others. Random Acts of Kindness Day falls mid-week in the celebration schedule, encouraging participants to do a kind deed for someone, however small or large. As Director of Kiddie Academy of Robbinsville Bonnie Spinelli put it, “Character Education is an essential part of our philosophy and curriculum. That is why we love celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week and bringing lessons to life.”

Kindness Across Our Academies

There were so many wonderful and creative displays of kindness coming from the Academies this year. Just a few examples include:

Kiddie Academy of Robbinsville food drive

Kiddie Academy of Langhorne diaper drive

Kiddie Academy of Alpharetta valentines for vets

Kiddie Academy of Ashburn kindness links

Kiddie Academy of Brookfield food drive

Kiddie Academy of West Cary thank you cards

You can see many of the Academies’ acts of kindness on social media by searching #KiddieAcademyKindness.

In addition, we’re donating $1,000 to social service nonprofit Rise on behalf of Kiddie Academy of Robbinsville. That Academy was randomly selected to pick the nonprofit of their choice to receive this donation.

Our thanks go out to all Academies, their students, families and staffs, for taking part in this great effort!


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