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Kiddie Academy News or Activites for infants

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May 30, 2012

Is She Too Young for Stranger Danger?

Every evening I take my daughter for a walk around the block before we have dinner. She loves to be outside, see the train on the tracks behind our house, point at all the “doggies” and say hello to everyone she passes. Since she began talking, I encouraged her to…

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May 16, 2012


The other day I was caught off-guard by my children. This wasn’t one of those moments when I wasn’t looking where I was going; it was a much more visceral thing. I was running late coming home from work, so my kids were already in the house. As I walked…

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April 30, 2012

History Lesson

My daughter has started her state history unit in school. I remember 2 years ago when my son had the same unit. It was fun to talk with him about the rich history of our state. But, what I am noticing is that although it may be the same teacher…

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April 23, 2012

You Can’t Un-Read That!

When my daughter started reading it was a sight to behold: you could see her eyes light up knowing that she now had the key to unlock every word put in front of her. They now have meaning, emotion and they can tell her anything she wants to know.  And…

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April 13, 2012

When Every Minute is Accounted For

Since becoming a mother my life has transformed into a living, breathing schedule. Every minute is accounted for, slots of time have specific activities assigned to them, routines have become critical to maintaining order and each action is pre-calculated. Gone is a time when days were fluid and free; errands…

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