Testimonials from Kiddie Academy of League City-East

“The staff is very personable. They know the kids and parents and respond well to all feedback. My kids have learned so much in a short time and are happy to go to school there.”
Apryl K.

“Hi I would like to thank you and all the wonderful staff & teachers at Kiddie academy We have seen Trinidy thrive in the half of year she has been going to kiddie academy She loves coming to “School” and all of her friends she has made there both small and big As Trinidys Dad it is wonderful to know that she's enjoying her time at kiddie academy so much And that it is a safe, fun, loving & educational environment. I would recommend kiddie academy to anyone looking for a place for their Child / Grandchild. Thanks once again, and we are looking forward to her future with kiddie academy. Kind Regards Scott Lyons”
Scott L.

“Friendly and professional staff....I believe my child is safe in the care of the facility. It is also well kept and clean. I love that it is modern and meets the after school needs of the children.”
Johnetta O.

“My children love to go to Kiddie Academy. They love their teachers. My younger child is being well prepared for kindergarten. I am extremely pleased with everything at Kiddie Academy.”
Molly N.

“I love how sweet and kind-hearted all the teachers are. I feel so comfortable leaving my child with them.”
Christina M.

“Personalized attention to eachchild's success!”
January L.

“I love how Kiddie Academy has taken the curriculum from the school district to prepare, educate, and enrich our children!”
Thomas T.

“Fantastic staff, video cameras, daily emailed updates for my infant and preschooler including pictures, rates comparable to other quality centers in the area with multiple enrichment activities and snacks/lunch included in price, police officer on site randomly throughout the day, great playground/garden areas... I could go on and on!”
Jennifer W.

“I really love this school. You guys are running a great program and we are grateful to have such an awesome environment to leave our kids in every day. I'll highlight that I love the teachers most of all, and second I love the programs and curriculum you have.”
Summer B.

“Still very happy with the daycare but would like to point out that at the beginning of the summer half of my daughters friends moved up and half were out for the summer and within a month she lost all three teachers leaving her with almost all new people. She had been with her current teachers for over a year and it was a very tough transition and it took almost three months to get her to detach from my leg in the morning and actually go to one of her new teachers. I am sure all kids adapt differently but for my daughter it was a little too much change too fast. But we are anxiously awaiting getting to go back to Mrs. Jennifer's class ;)”
Andrea L.
Learning for Every Age
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Kiddie Academy of League City-East
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Kiddie Academy of League City-East