Testimonials from Kiddie Academy of Leesburg

“The teachers and have staff have taken the time to get to know my daughter and recognize when she is not acting herself. They work with us when trying to implement new schedules, which helps make a schedule stick. The teachers also capture pictures and videos of my daughter as she learns new skills for the first time, which is nice that we can be able to share in that moment, too.”
Whitney B.

“Very age appropriate. I also like the teacher feedback and how they work with us on developmental and educational goals.”
Greg D.

“I love getting pictures and videos of my sons progress at school, and his teachers are amazing!!”
Kelly M.

“Focus on character building along with traditional education.”
Paula F.

“The friendly staff and how happy the kids are. The Webcams are nice too.”
Denise K.

“I like the fact that my son gets enriching activites thoughout the day. It gives us a lot to talk about in our long ride home.”
Tye D.

“Tracey is always helpful and friendly. The teachers are great and the curriculum is well rounded. The classrooms are always decorated and inviting.”
Sarah M.

“Caring, flexibility and friendly”
Jean Jacques T.

“Caring & friendly staff”
Courtney T.

“I love that my son walks in every morning feeling safe, happy, and confident. Kiddie Academy of Leesburg is a community-based, loving, nurturing learning environment - the teachers and staff really take the time to reach each child.”
Margaret M.
Learning for Every Age
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Kiddie Academy of Leesburg
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Kiddie Academy of Leesburg