May 30, 2018

Helpful Tips for Moving with Children

So–you and your partner have decided to take the plunge and move the family.

If you are like many families, the decision to move is extremely difficult and often stressful. Every situation is unique and an individual’s ability to adapt, no matter their age, is oftentimes unpredictable (especially if this is the first time your child has faced this situation). Change isn’t easy. The good news–children are resilient and pretty adaptable.

It takes a team approach to make a move successful. The family is a team, and it needs all players to function effectively.

If you take the time to prepare your child, listen to their concerns and help them to see the move as an exciting adventure, chances are your family will adjust and adapt just fine.

Here are tips to ensure a smooth move for your child.

Communicate What to Expect

Young children might not have a good understanding of what “moving” actually means. Give your child a better understanding of what they can expect, and take the time to read some age-appropriate books about moving together (suggested literature listed below).

Let the Children Help Pack and Label

If your child is old enough, have them help you pack some of their personal belongings. Even younger children can sort their toys and help you wrap objects in newspaper or bubble wrap. If you’ll be putting some things into storage, ask them what they would like to keep and what they don’t mind parting with for a while.

Time Your Move

Often times, certain circumstances determine when you have to move. But, if you have a choice, try timing your move to occur at a relatively calm period in your child’s life. Take into consideration school schedules, potty-training and sleeping transitions.

Maintain Routines

Once you’re in your new home, some things will have to change, but try to maintain aspects of your life that are most important to your kids. Stick to familiar routines and continue your traditions, for example bedtime and Saturday morning breakfast, if possible.

Arrange for a Move-Out and Move-In Clean Help

As you know, moving can be exhausting. Consider hiring a cleaning service to clean your old house when you’re finished moving out and schedule a cleaning of the new house before you start moving in.

Set up Their New Space 

Now that the move is complete, allow your child time to adjust. While it’s important to unpack the family essentials, unpacking your child’s belongings and setting up their new space should head to the top of your list. Setting up your child’s room and play areas as soon as possible will help alleviate some of their anxiety about moving. Unpacking and decorating can be a fun time for you both. Be flexible and have your child add input into how their new areas are set up.

Arrange Child Care

Since there are deadlines associated with schools and camps, you will want to line up child care as soon as you can. You may also need to arrange for your child’s current child care records be transferred to the new provider.

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