October 2, 2014

Being a mom is hard

A colleague and fellow mother recently sent me a link to an article that really struck a chord. So often we forget what really matters to our kids. With the “do’s and don’ts” of parenthood being thrown in our face, it’s hard not to doubt whether we’re doing a good job with our kids. At any given time my mind is filled with questions that range from:

The. List. Goes. On.

What I don’t think about often enough is the fact that I’m enough. It’s not the latest toys (although my kids would beg to differ at this age) or the house we live in. What matters is that I’m their mom. And although it’s hard for us parents to understand at times, deep down we know it’s the truth.

Being a mom is hard. Parenting is hard. But the reward makes it that much easier to do the hardest job out there. So keep up the good work, parents. We’re in this together!



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