June 27, 2012

The Playground is Scary

My husband and I took our daughter to a new recycled tire playground this past weekend and it was definitely a little overwhelming…for us, not her.

I’ve been anxiously waiting a year and a half to be able to take her to playgrounds and let her frolic around, though most of her frolicking was done with me in hand since she’s still a little young for much of the equipment. I expected that; I was okay with it. What I didn’t expect was the awkward interaction between the playground parents.

I was taken aback by the lack of playground etiquette. I’m kind of new to this scene, but aren’t parents supposed reiterating manners on the playground? Like “watch out for the baby” or “wait in line for the swing” or “don’t go up the slide if others are going down.” Maybe it’s just me, because I have to admit I’m probably a little biased since I had the youngest child there and was slightly sensitive to everything.

 However, isn’t there Mommy Code when it comes to the playground? Like when my toddler falls on the steps to get on the slide and I’m helping her up and a mom and her school-age child come barreling up the stairs pushing past us? I believe she said, “Sorry, he’s got me by the hand so I guess I have to go with him.” Wait, isn’t it the parent that should have the child by the hand and gently pull them to the side to wait for us to move out of the way? Isn’t that the right thing to do as a parent?

I’ve seen numerous articles and blog posts on playground etiquette for parents, so I’m reading up. What are your thoughts on parents at the playground?

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