December 17, 2012

Even More Thankful for Her…

I’m not alone with this post. I’m one of many, millions. All saying the same thing. All feeling the same thing.

Thankfulness for our children. Appreciation for their silliness and smiles and sweet voices. Newfound patience for their tantrums and mistakes. Overwhelming, overflowing love for their very existence. And, now a paralazying fear that something could happen to them at any moment.

Bloggers, journalists and just about everyone are writing about “The Newtown Effect…” and how we’re all hugging our children a bit tighter these days. I find myself overpowered by emotion for the Newtown parents and community; unable to stop the tears at work as I think of my own 2-year-old daughter.

I don’t have words of wisdom or expert advice on talking to children about violence or world events, but I do know this event will live in my heart forever and, therefore, so should the gratefulness of all that I have as an individual and as a mother.

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