It just wouldn’t be summer without a lemonade stand! Some people might even say a lemonade stand represents the American dream – hard working entrepreneurs making waves for our economy. As parents, we are constantly seeking new and creative ways to keep our kids educationally motivated throughout the summer. But are we overlooking the tried and true? This summer, help inspire your budding entrepreneurs by starting a lemonade stand! Learning valuable business lessons, leadership skills, responsibility… the possibilities are endless! You’re bound to make a few good memories too!
Here are just a few of the valuable lessons your child can learn this summer by serving up some ice cold lemonade:
- Bring out your child’s inner business creature by starting with the basics. The planning part can be hard for adults let alone children, but breaking it down into smaller, manageable steps will help to speed the process along. What does your child envision his or her stand to look like? Brainstorm some names for the stand; help them with a strategy and proceed from there. The little ones can help locate resources and have a say in paint colors and menu items for the stand based on their favorite snacks.
- Math is an important ingredient in your lemonade stand. For the younger kids, helping them count drinks and refreshments is a great place to start. For instance, if someone orders two lemonades and one cookie, have your child physically grab the exact amount ordered. For the older kids, having them measure or count ingredients for specific recipes, along with counting money or making change during the sales process, is a great learning tool.
- Lemonade stands can encourage your child to meet new friends and practice social skills. Working as a team builds strong communication, and kids can incorporate good manners while interacting with their customers.
- Reading and writing will go hand in hand with their business. Have the smaller kids recite letters while creating the words for their sign. Letting them paint and draw will aid in learning colors and how to write. The older kids can emphasize their reading skills by making the more intricate menu items.
- Claire Haas, vice president of Education at Kiddie Academy, suggests donating the money to a worthy cause. “Providing children the opportunity to choose the charity and deliver the money raised gives them a great sense of responsibility and pride.”
Check out the following websites for great ideas, tips and resources when starting your own lemonade stand:
Lemonade Day: www.lemonadeday.org
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation: www.alexslemonade.org.
Help your child change the world, one lemon at a time. Now get squeezing!