April 3, 2019

Teaching Your Child Appreciation

It feels so good when someone thanks you for something you’ve done. That means they appreciate your efforts and what you mean to them.

“Giving thanks is not only being polite, it also makes us feel good,” said Richard Peterson, Kiddie Academy’s Vice President of Education. “When children feel good about helping others and giving thanks, their self-esteem receives a boost, which reinforces future acts of appreciation.”

Appreciation is Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care’s featured Character Education value for April.

“Appreciation is the act of showing gratitude or thanks for someone who has done something nice for us,” said Peterson. “It also involves a full understanding of what something is and does, like the Earth, which provides food.”

Celebrate Earth Day

We’ll celebrate Earth Day in our Academies on April 22 by creating a list of the many things the Earth provides. We point out how thankful we are to the Earth for providing food, water, air, and all the beauty that we see every day. We also plant flowers and trees with our children and families. You can do a similar Earth Day planting project at home with this Milk Carton Garden Houses activity from our partners at PBS Parents.

Good Role Models – In the Academy and at Home

Children look to adults as models for behavior. That’s why at Kiddie Academy, we show and model appreciation every day. Our teachers show appreciation for children’s actions throughout the day. When they’re good listeners, as they clean-up, and transition orderly from one activity to the next, teachers show their appreciation by a positive remark, giving out stickers, or assigning them as leaders. We encourage children to recognize and appreciate the efforts of their peers often.

Teaching children about appreciation shouldn’t be limited to their time at Kiddie Academy. There are simple things you can do at home to make sure the learning continues. Remember to thank or praise others for doing nice or helpful things so that your children see you express your appreciation. Take time to discuss things that you appreciate, like your home, which provides shelter from the elements.

Here are some other articles about teaching appreciation and projects you can do with your kids:

Earth Day Crafts for Kids” – PBSParents.org

10 Ways to Raise a Grateful Kid – PBSParents.org

Teaching Children to Be Grateful – Parents

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