Tips on How to Soothe Your Teething Baby

A baby smiling while being held by an adult

Your baby will encounter many milestones during the first year. One that can be stressful for both infants and parents is teething.

“It’s a stage all infants go through between 4 months and a year,” said Dr. Jason Goldstein, Kiddie Academy’s Advisor for Health and Wellness. “The child will experience some discomfort. That’s normal, but it can be worrisome for parents, especially when going through it for the first time. There were studies done back in 2011 where they looked at the effects of teething and found no correlation with any types of long-lasting problems. So, there’s no need to be overly concerned. And there are a lot of things you can do to help make your baby more comfortable until those teeth come in.”

Signs that your baby is teething

Each baby is different, but there are several symptoms that can indicate that your baby’s teeth are coming in. Among the symptoms that could indicate your baby is teething are:

  • Fussiness
  • Sore gums
  • Chewing on hard items
  • Excessive drooling
  • Bringing their hands to their mouth
  • Elevated temperature (less than 101 F)
  • Coughing
  • Rubbing their cheek or pulling their ear
  • Disruptions in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Ways to soothe your baby’s sore gums

    A baby will naturally try to alleviate the soreness in its gums by biting on things. Those “things” might include parts of your body if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are many items you can provide or things you can do to help ease the child’s teething pain. Those include:

  • Frozen bagels, teething biscuits and crackers. There are many healthy options available, including ones without sugar.
  • Cold items, like a pacifier or wet washcloth. Make sure whatever you use is clean and doesn’t have any liquid in it that could thaw and get swallowed if punctured by a sharp baby tooth.
  • Rubbing the baby’s gums with your finger is a great way to help. Just be careful not to get a bite once those sharp little baby teeth start to break through!
  • Remember that each child is different, so experiment to discover what works best for yours. And keep in mind that most children will likely be fussy while they teethe. But once they’re past this major milestone, you’ll get your sweet, happy baby back.

    Here are some additional resources for soothing your teething baby:

  • Safely Soothing Teething Pain and Sensory Needs in Babies and Older Children,” FDA
  • Teething: Tips for Soothing Sore Gums,” Mayo Clinic
  • Teething Symptoms and Remedies,” WebMD
  • Teething 101: 4 Pediatrician-Approved Ways to Soothe a Teething Baby,” Cleveland Clinic
  • 9 Ways to Help a Teething Baby Sleep,” Healthline