Testimonials from Kiddie Academy of O’Fallon

“Wonderful activities and high quality care. ”
Sarah H.

“Staff is very caring and the kids have fun.”
Dave C.

“Activities, staff ”
Andrea T.

“Caring teachers. We love Ms. Janae and Ms. Kae.”
Shawana B.

“We just spent the weekend with the grandparents, and Landon loves telling stories about everything and everyone at school - he absolutely loves his time there! We would highly recommend Kiddie Academy!”
Bethany S.

“They go above and beyond to care for our daughter and she loves going to school everyday. ”
Laura H.

“The teachers are excellent! Canon is thriving at KAO and he loves to go to school. The teachers do a really good job partnering with me to make and follow through with plans when Canon is having difficulties or needs help. I feel Canon is loved and well cared for every day. I’d love to see an improved meal menu with more fresh fruits (less canned fruit) and healthier, morning snack rotations.... or the offering of an actual breakfast. I would really like to allow the kids to bring thermoses/water bottles to school for water only, especially during the summer months, in order to allow for easy access to water when needed/wanted. ”
Michelle D.

“Lesson plans aimed at milestones and individualized encouragement and teaching aided at goals appropriate for age.”
Beth L.

“We love Kiddie Academy. The teachers are wonderful and our son learns something new every single day.”
Marcie H.

“We are so happy with how much the kids’ teachers care about them! The kids always come home happy with great stories about their days. ”
Jamie H.
Learning for Every Age
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Kiddie Academy of O’Fallon
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Kiddie Academy of O’Fallon