To the Moon and Back

Can you imagine landing on the moon? Something that looks so close yet is so far away? The United States got to experience what it would be like firsthand when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon July 20, 1969.

As a child, there is a certain excitement and wonder when looking up at the moon during a warm summer night. In honor of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, take this opportunity to teach your kids about the wonders of outer space and what life might be like for an astronaut:

  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. A childhood favorite, this nursery song is a great introduction to the world of outer space. What makes a star twinkle? How many stars are in the sky? The song “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” gives children the opportunity to play with rhythm, repetition, and language patterns – skills they need to practice before they learn to read and write.
  • Good Night Moon. Astronauts walking on the moon, the mysterious materials that light up the night sky and the expanse of outer space beyond planet Earth. The opportunities to learn are endless! There are several classic stories you can read with your kids, many of which will surely inspire a lifetime of learning about the worlds beyond our own!
  • Eat like Neil & Buzz; you know you’ve always wanted to! Everything that astronauts eat in space is freeze dried, dehydrated, or vacuum sealed in pouches. Practice character education and treat your kids to a treat from space. For starters, try Yogurt Puffs. This is a snack available in the Baby aisle at your local grocery store and resembles the freeze dried ice cream many astronauts favor when in outer space. Make this pudding recipe with your kids and talk about what it must feel like to eat in outer space.
  • Make your own rocket ship. A fun activity that’s sure to keep the kids busy on a boring summer day, gather some toilet paper rolls, aluminum foil and paper cups. Add some glue, tape and crayons and let them decorate their very own rocket ship to space! For the littlest astronauts, get out those toothpicks and marshmallows and the kids can build their very own rocket ship! You can help add details with a black marker.

Now go have fun this summer as you explore the solar system. To infinity and beyond!