January 4, 2012

It’s a Big Deal

I attended my first one-year-old’s birthday party this past year – or last year – and swore up and down that I wasn’t going to make a big deal of my daughter’s first birthday. I know there might be some parents reading this and gasping that I wouldn’t want to recognize such an important milestone…to those parents, please keep reading.

I saw the stress my girlfriend encountered as she put together invitations – mailed them no less – and handmade the decorations and then carefully instrumented the entire event as she shuffled us from one part of the house to another for food, then present opening to cake. I endured this with no alcohol and at the whim of a toddler who had no clue what any of this was for. Afterwards, I discussed with anyone who would listen what I envisioned for my then 8-month-old’s birthday party, which was essentially an adult party in honor of my daughter’s birthday.

It sounded so simple, really. I would try out a bunch of new recipes, have chocolate martinis and socialize with friends and family. Here’s how it’s really going down: I had to create an invite (so there’d actually be people at this party), put together a menu (so I knew what food to buy), attempt to make cake pops for the first time (because this is my new recipe that I’ve already committed to) and then clean the house (so it’s presentable for these people). Enter stress.

And now, no matter how I twist or turn this story, I’m making a big deal about my daughter’s first birthday. To top it all off, Martha told me this morning that next year it’s bounce houses and clowns?!?!?!

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