One of the exciting things about becoming a mother is getting the opportunity to join and participate in a dynamic conversation already in progress about one of the most important jobs in the world: parenting. From blogs, magazines, Twitter and Instagram, first-time moms are jumping into chats and private Facebook groups to listen to and dole out parenting advice, feedback and best practices.
Previous generations may have popularized the phrase “kids don’t come with a handbook,” but moms and dads of the 21st century can’t quite make the same claim. Kids may not come with a handbook of instructions, but they do come with an online “village” of parents with varying degrees of expertise from novice to seasoned: all with something to say about your latest pregnancy cramp or your baby’s newest fascination with drooling (hint: it’s completely normal).
With all of the collaboration going on, modern day parenting advice can sometimes seem more like an exchange of the blind leading the blind, than an actual hand-held expert introduction to the fascinating (but sometimes, challenging, messy and hysterical) world of raising kids. So here is our list of the best books for new moms to pick up after they’ve read “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”…
Daring Greatly
Brene Brown offers a powerful look at what it means to be vulnerable as a parent, but she also delivers a memorable parenting manifesto that serves as inspiration to parents to let their children grow up to be who they are meant to be, but know that they are loved and deserving of love throughout the process.
How to Have Your Second Child First
Can you believe this is an actual book title? Parents of more than one child usually claim that things are easier the second time around, but what are the lessons learned the rest of us first-timers can take advantage of? This book covers everything from birth plans and breast-feeding to finding your own parental comfort zone from moms and dads who have been there. (Spoiler alert: “wipe warmers” and “binky wipes” are actually a ridiculous waste of time.)
The Happiest Baby on the Block
Prepare yourself for crying, colic and the “5 S’s” that will save you from the bewitching hours of infanthood. You might be reading a lot of books about pregnancy and forget about getting ready for those first few days with a newborn. This book also comes with a DVD in case you don’t have time to read the whole book before b-day and you’ve only learned three of the “S’s.” We’re particular fans of the fist and the third S’s.
Heading Home With Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality
Written by two pediatricians and focusing on the first few months of an infant’s life, this book includes new information on breastfeeding and the involvement of allergies, formula options, vitamins and supplements (vitamins, iron, fluoride, probiotics), sleep, extended stay in strapped-in positions (car seats, bouncy chairs), swaddling, diaper options, the impact of social media sharing, and capturing moments/sharing memories. This is one of the best guides to the first few months when everything is new. (We loved the step-by-step illustrated how-to swaddling guide included).
The Wonder Weeks
If you’re a new mom and don’t have the time to read this book, do yourself a favor and download The Wonder Weeks mobile app. This book (and the fantastic and convenient mobile app) describes, in easy-to-understand terms, the incredible developmental changes and regression periods that all babies go through during the first 20 months of their lives. The book (and awesome mobile app) can sometimes help you predict when your baby is going to have a fussy developmental phase, versus when he will be at a prime developmental time for learning new skills!
Down Came the Rain
Brooke Shields talks candidly in her memoir about her experience with postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter, and provides millions of women with an inspiring example of recovery. Brooke talks about the trials, tribulations, and finally the triumphs that occurred before, during, and after the birth of her daughter. New moms need to know that postpartum depression is not something you have to go through alone or be ashamed of.
The 5 Love Languages of Children
You know how to love your child, but how can you show it so that they feel loved? The 5 love languages teach parents how to speak your child’s love language and make them feel loved in a way they understand. Whether Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service or Physical Touch, parents can learn how their children express and receive love in their own way.