June 13, 2013

When Daddy is the Better Mommy

Daddy and his little girlI often catch myself thinking my husband’s a better Mommy than I am. In today’s society, it’s the norm for both parents to be working, but my scenario involves a spouse who teaches – and therefore has the luxury of more time off with our kids.  I’m both grateful and jealous of this fact.  Who doesn’t like the occasional “snow day” and summers off? It’s a love-hate feeling that I wish would go away.

The truth of the matter is we don’t give Dads enough props. According to the most recent Census, the number of stay-at-home fathers in the United States has more than doubled in the past 10 years. It may seem untraditional but it’s working. I guess there’s a silver lining to everything!

At the end of the day, what it all comes down to is making sure our kids feel loved. Having to step back and allow a Dad to take on the “mommy” role might sting, but they do it fearlessly because they need and want to. It may be uncharted waters, but they are providing the love and affection that’s essential for our kids, and so I remind myself it’s a good thing. My kids still long for me, and that’s a good feeling too, because I know when I come home from work they’ll be right at the door to greet me….arms wide open.

Here’s to awesome fathers!

Check out our Pinterest page for fun DIY Father’s Day ideas.

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