December 28, 2015

List of New Year’s Resolutions: Parenting Edition


As the year comes to a close this week, we’re looking back over those last 12 months of belly laughs, diaper changes, dog walks, birthday parties, band-aids-over-booboos, Paw Patrol episodes, laundry, nose-wiping, sick days, snow days, great days and running from home to drop-off to work to pick-up and doing it all over again. It was another great (however busy) year of parenting.

With 2015 soon behind us, it’s time to start making our New Year’s resolutions as parents. We know there’s no such thing as a “perfect” parent, but what can we do as parents in 2016 to make the next year even better? What are you committing your parent self to do differently in the New Year?

We’re making out our list of parenting resolutions for 2016 and we’re looking for a little inspiration. This year, we’re drawing on the knowledge of our many Kiddie Academy families, parents and moms to fill in the knowledge gaps and curate an epic list of parenting resolutions for 2016 that inspires us all.

Be sentimental. Be funny. Be real. Be thoughtful. But above all, be honest. Tell us your 2016 parenting resolutions in our crowdsourced Google Doc.

(Just click the link, fill in your name and your parenting resolution. We’ll publish the full list after the New Year.)

Have a marvelous New Year’s Eve! We can’t wait to read your resolutions.

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