April 30, 2012

History Lesson

My daughter has started her state history unit in school. I remember 2 years ago when my son had the same unit. It was fun to talk with him about the rich history of our state. But, what I am noticing is that although it may be the same teacher teaching the same unit, what I am getting out of it at home is quite different this time around.

My son told me all about the role we played in the Revolutionary War. He knew all sorts of tidbits of information regarding forts, weapons, military, etc. He could spout off facts like the state flower, state bird, state flag and state sport. But, when I ask him now about that unit all he remembers is that the state unit means school is almost over, and, oh yeah,  he remember the state flower and sport. Yes, that is all he retained from weeks of studying.

My state history experience with my daughter is very different. She is hyper focused on the cultural aspect of this unit. She only speaks using words that were used during the 18th century…it is like living with Molly Pitcher. I have to ask for translations – often – and she gets rather annoyed with me. Well, excuse me Ms. Pitcher, but I have not brushed up on my King’s English as of late!

So, just as 2 years ago, this will be a learning experience for me, too. I just hope she retains a little more than he did. To be sure, daughter, you know these matters better than I! Translation: my kid, she’s got this!

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