July 12, 2012

I’m a Mom and I Know It

Every once in a while I find myself caught in a true parental moment and realize I’m part of the club. Sometimes it’s an unavoidable situation, such as being thrown up on in the middle of the night by a sick child, or maybe it’s a completely impetuous act. But either way, I’m forced to face the music and acknowledge that my priorities, habits and instincts now revolve around a mini-me.

 My most recent moment involves an online video and Cookie Monster. There was once a time when I turned to blogs or YouTube strictly for celebrity gossip or a replay of the MTV Music Awards. Now, what catches my attention are the Sesame Street parodies on hit songs, such as Elmo’s “I’m Elmo and I Know It” or more recently, Cookie Monster’s “Share It Maybe”.

 I think I can safely attribute my fascination with these videos to my recent affinity for these characters; after all, I’ve gotten to know them in a whole new way over the last 18 months. I feel a bond between us – they appear on the TV in my bedroom every morning at 5:30 a.m. after my daughter refuses to go back to bed and I need 30 more minutes to rest. I love them for that reason alone. Anyways, the parent moment I’m referring to is not my fascination; it’s the act of copying and pasting the URL to these videos and sending them to my husband, knowing he would love them as much as me, and then proceeding to share my excitement over them with co-workers. Yes, hi, I’m a Mom and I Know It.

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