September 11, 2019

Kiddie Academy Tips for Morning Routines that Work

Dad dropping off son

Getting your entire family up, dressed, fed and out the door before the sun comes up is easier said than done. Forming and sticking to a morning routine will not only help your loved ones establish a sense of normalcy and save you a lot of headaches, but can also be beneficial to your child’s development.

A predictable morning routine can give children a sense of security, safety and comfort. Keep in mind, though, that at first, this new routine represents a change – something new to the child.

Children often fear the unknown – whether it’s something as trivial as the piece of broccoli on their plate or a big life change like moving to a new house or gaining a sibling. While change is a learning experience and growth opportunity, it can also be stressful for them. Children often handle change best if it is in the context of a controlled environment. It also helps them develop a sense of mastery, which will ultimately boost self-confidence.

Here are a few helpful tips:

Do you have any go-to tips for establishing a morning routine with your family? What has worked best for your children? Visit our Facebook page and leave us a message about what works best for you.

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