October 2, 2013

Why Kids Lie – Raising an honest child

Poor Pinocchio. Can you imagine if our noses grew every time we lied about something? As parents, we recognize that lying is a part of society and comes in all different forms. We know that lies can weigh heavy on our hearts and have long-term consequences. We also know that telling the truth can be rewarding, and healthier, for both our body and mind.

But kids? How do they differentiate?  Telling the truth can be risky business for a child, so our job as parents should be reinforcing the idea that truth is the basis of good character.

Here are some ways you can help teach your children honesty:

Start early on.  Use words and actions that children will understand at their age and maturity level. Remind them how important honesty is in life, and what it means to your family. For little ones, using stories about honesty, such as Franklin Fibs, can help them relate from an early age.

Practice. Playing games, such as “Truth or Lie?” can help a child distinguish the difference between what is real and fake. For instance, saying “an alligator can fly” or “the sky is purple” are easy statements for children to recognize the lie.  You can begin to role-play with your child as they get older to help alleviate any anxiety, especially in situations when telling the truth may be difficult.

Have compassion. Yes, it’s inevitable that children will lie at some point in their life. As parents, it’s important to remember that our kids won’t always be perfect, but we’re proud of them for being brave in their honesty…always. Having compassion for your children will make it easier for them to tell you the truth.

Kiddie Academy helps children learn honesty through our character education program.



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