May 8, 2016

Doing it all on Mother’s Day

Most moms will set the bar pretty low with their Mother’s Day gift requests. Usually a heartfelt card, a gift made by the kids or perhaps some flowers light up this special day. But there is one gift every mom wants that can’t be bought at a store: time alone. Peace and quiet is the gift in highest demand, but most out of reach, especially on Mother’s Day when big family brunches and multi-generational reunions seem to be calling all the shots.

Some moms are looking for a break on Mother’s Day to be themselves again without having to be a mom at all. But most mothers probably won’t ask for quiet time or time alone this weekend for the simple reason of guilt. How does a modern-day mom get the quiet time she needs while still honoring the family Mother’s Day ritual?  Here’s how:

To Moms: Schedule a day either during one of the weekends bookending Mother’s Day, or on Mother’s Day weekend for your peace and quiet time alone. Plan on also participating in the family Mother’s Day celebration another day. On your day alone, make sure you get from sun up to sun down – at least one entire day is a good rule of thumb. Lean on your support system to manage child care and activities for the day without you. You need this. Take a load off.

To Dads: A card is the bare minimum. Something homemade can go a long way. Get the kids involved in a meaningful gift mom will cherish for months to come. Shower her with flowers, card and gift during the family Mother’s Day celebration. Clean the house and get the place gleaming so that when your partner is enjoying her time alone, she’s actually resting – not nesting. Hit the road with the kids when it comes time for her scheduled day alone. To where? Not here. Book activities that keep you and the kids occupied from sun up to sun down.

To Grandmas: You remember what it was like running after a little one while also taking care of a household, a partner and yourself – basically, juggling it all. Your daughter/daughter-in-law needs a rest, and it’s not always easy for her to ask for help. She’ll be at the family celebration, too, but help her find and have a day alone to reconnect with herself and her priorities. She’ll return the favor with precious visits from your grandchildren.

To Kids: You guys are awesome small humans, but you also have an unmatchable energy level that’s hard to keep up with! Don’t get me wrong – mom’s love for you is all-consuming, unconditional and extremely powerful. But, even Moms need a breather. Hang without her for a bit. You can’t miss her if she doesn’t leave!

When faced with two choices: choose both. Enjoy this Mother’s Day having a celebration alone, as well as one with family. Come back here and let me know how it goes.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Kiddie Academy Mom

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