January 16, 2016

Helping Kids With Their New Year’s Resolutions

NewYear's Resolutions for Kids

In preparation for the New Year, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a list of “Healthy New Year’s Resolutions for Kids.” Here are some of our favorites, coupled with Kiddie Academy’s best tips on how to help little resolution-makers follow through with everything they’ve resolved to do before 2017.


1. I will clean up my toys by putting them where they belong.

Think about organizing a kid-friendly toy storage solution that makes it easy for the children in your house to put toys away and in the right places. Cube storage is always an easy and affordable option to conquer the toy clutter. 


2. I will help clear the table when I am done eating.

 Make it easy for your little one to both set the table and clear it at meal times. Big, traditional dinnerware place settings can be heavy for kids to handle, which might make you nervous if they did anyway. Think about investing in a lightweight dinnerware set that doesn’t have sentimental value in case a piece should accidentally fall from small hands. We’re also fans of the decorative, dishwasher-safe melamine (a plastic compound) tableware. Identify a safe, clear counter space where your preschooler can collect plates and utensils after meals. In our experience, their table-clearing practices are thorough and well-intentioned, but not always mess-free.


3. I will try to find a sport (like basketball or soccer) or an activity (like playing tag, jumping rope, dancing or riding my bike) that I like and do it at least three times a week!

We totally get that the AAP’s intention with this resolution for 5-12 year olds is to maintain physical exercise and healthy physical activity regularly throughout the week, but there is also such a thing as “not doing all of the things,” as one Kiddie Academy staff member vows. Help your child find a sport or activity that they can practice or play, but don’t overwhelm them with too many choices or sign up for too many activities in one season. It’s okay to have some down time and promote alone time at home to read, meditate or just think and rest.


4. I will always wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter or skateboard.

Talk about a New Year’s resolution we can get behind, but some kids will not like the look or feel of a helmet, especially if it’s new, which may deter them from wearing it as religiously as they should. Get together with all of the parents on your block or in your neighborhood and make sure you’re all on the same page about enforcing helmet-wearing 24/7. If you have a child that isn’t coming around to the idea, think about getting cool stickers for their helmet or even buying one that has characters on it (or flames, unicorns or skulls – whichever!).


5. When faced with a difficult decision, I will talk about my choices with an adult whom I can trust.

As much as this may be hard to accept, the person your child trusts the most to talk about difficult decisions with may not always be you. It may not always be your spouse. Talk with your child regularly about the person or people they could keep in mind for such future conversations so that there is no moment of panic when and if a challenging situation or decision does arise. Think of it like a bank of trusted people they might feel comfortable with, but that you also feel comfortable having them counsel or advise your kids in a moment of need.



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