November 18, 2014

The toy conundrum

As the holidays approach, my parental instincts are starting to sweat a little bit. Every commercial on television reminds me that I’m way behind in my quest to shop for the perfect gift for my kids.  After all, this is TOY season we’re talking about!

While I know my kids don’t need anymore “stuff,” I know they’re bound to get a toy or two this season. With that said, I’m hereby making a plea to let it be an educational toy at least (listen up, Grandparents!).

But how do I know what to look for in an educational toy? To help parents make smart toy choices for the holidays and throughout the year, the experts at Kiddie Academy have developed a new infographic with suggestions for choosing an educational toy.

So…this means it’s okay if my daughter receives another doll. It allows her imagination and creativity to fly! And my son? Those blocks he’s been wanting will be the perfect gift to develop coordination and spatial development!

Cheers to the holidays and beyond!

Educational Toy Infographic FINAL4

Click the image to see the full infographic PDF.

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