November 10, 2020

Are You Experiencing Pandemic Burnout?

For months now we’ve been living with the specter of COVID-19 hovering over us. It’s been scary, heartbreaking, unrelenting and has flipped our daily routines upside down. The pandemic has burdened us with pressures unlike anything we’ve dealt with before.

burn out

Parents Are Experiencing a New Breed of Emotional and Physical Burnout

If you feel like you’re well past your max capacity of stress, you’re not alone. In April and August, Eagle Hill Consulting conducted a COVID-19 Employee Burnout Survey to see how workers were handling the pressures associated with the outbreak. Not surprisingly, 58% of U.S. workers said worries about COVID-19 and its effect on their jobs and personal lives has them feeling burned out. When you drill down to look at parents of kids involved in remote learning, the burn-out level jumps to 65%. That’s nearly two-thirds of parents with children learning from home reporting that they’re physically and emotionally worn out.

Kiddie Academy Health and Wellness Advisor, Dr. Jason Goldstein, bears out the report’s findings. He says that in recent months, he’s observed much more stress and burnout among his patients. “These are exhausting times for parents and kids alike. Parents are having to navigate a lot of new territories, like working from home, working later or different hours, parenting with less emotional reserve, less exercise and less time to unwind and recharge. They’re dealing with their own elevated stress levels, plus trying to recognize and manage stress in their children. All the while, we’re getting overloaded with ever-changing information from experts with a confusing view of what the future holds.”

Feel better? Maybe not. But Dr. Goldstein says that recognizing the signs of stress is the first step toward taking care of yourself so you can take care of your family. He says there are things to pay attention to that might signal you’re stressed out. Those include:

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